The Middle Kingdom Equestrian Beastiary
Many years ago one of the first events I rode in was the Middle Kingdom Coronation event of Finn and Tamara. It was a wonderful time full of contest and pageantry, and I had the good fortune to be chosen by Her Majesty as Their Equestrian Champion. I was overwhelmed as I was called up to Court to receive the honor and the tolken, an eight foot white lance. Being new at all of this, I thought it only polite to offer my service to The Crown (in court, in front of witnesses!) Their reply was to set me a task to compile a photo album so all could see what the equestrians do.
As I pondered my task, I felt compelled to accomplish it in a period manner, after all, we were trying to recreate the middle ages. With the help of my friend and mentor, Kassandra, and a number of other wonderful artisans, we compiled a real medieval book. The great part of belonging in the SCA is you are presented with numerous opportunities to learn something new. I already had skills as a leatherworker, but in the making of the Beastiary I also learned how to do bookbinding, calligraphy, illumination, about book styles and types, and found lots of new references to historical horse artwork. The original book is part of the Middle Kingdom regalia. Here for your enjoyment is a copy of the book.
- Cover
- Title Pg
- Pg 1
- Pg 2
- Pg 3
- Pg 4
- Pg 5
- Pg 6
- Pg 7
- Pg 8
- Pg 9
- Pg 10
- Pg 11
- Pg 12
- Bibliography

Here are the third and fourth champions. The artwork on the champion pages reflects the time and culture the riders are portraying.
This page shows the fifth and sixth champions, including myself. After this I left several blank pages in the book to allow more champions to be added in the future.